He closed out the decade as Chief Engineer at New York City’s legendary Sigma Sound just as it was churning out hits by the Village People, Rick James, and Talking Heads. Some manufacturers are known to take the mix and match approach in creating string sets. Most bass strings have a medium gauge, a standard 4-string bass guitar ranges between 0.045 and 0.105 inches thick. Additionally, a heavier gauge produces a lower tone. IMO the whole album of Is This It and YOLO, Juicebox, Life is Simple in the Moonlight, and 50/50 are very straightforward songs that a beginner, with enough practice can learn. A heavier gauge produces a richer tone that is determined by the strength of your fingers. Great on bass but usually too dark for normal guitar tones. Id say 2 relatively easy solos are the ones to The Modern Age and Trying Your Luck. Add a CBI Ultimate 10 foot Guitar Cable 25 Add 25.00 Pedal Options. Now you can go from instrument to console channel line in or direct to tape machine in one sweet clean step! Don’t take our word for it ask the artists, engineers, producers and studio owners who have put it to the test!Ken McKim’s talent for building and fine tuning studio equipment to best capture the magic of a great performance was first recognized in the Seventies, during his tenure as Chief Engineer at RPM Studios in Manhattan, a studio he helped construct. 12:51, Is This It, and Someday are going to be the easiest whole songs.
filament circuit just to keep things nice and quiet.Retrospec then took one significant step further and included enough gain and headroom to be able to drive a 10k input at professional line level. bass, piano & keyboard, voice and guitar lessons at the home to young rock music.

It also employs a low impedance high voltage power supply, and a D.C. Washington St.): In addition to Juicebox. The Juice Box’s audio circuitry is class “A” from start to finish.That and the absence of a transformer explain the conspicuously low distortion spec. The ultimate tube DI is now available, delivered to your door. This is a great sounding, and very unique direct box. This was just serviced and evaluated by the designer Ken McKim for optimum performance and had a new old stock 12AX7 installed.